Quiet Core Importance and Safety

We all now how loud exhausts can be, and normally, loud is good. But what happens if you live in area where noise can become an issue? If you're in the market for an easy fix to quiet your machine down, consider purchasing a Barker's Quiet Core. Quiet Core is great for making your exhaust quieter without sacrificing power. It's perfect for those trails in quiet zone areas or anywhere where noise is a concern, like areas near neighborhoods, schools, and more. And for only $20 – it's an easy and cheap fix for your machine! The best part is that it fits across all Barkers Systems, so you can change it out as needed on different machines. Don't forget, some parks require compliance as far as noise, so this is a really good item to have.  Check it out these products on our website.http://www.barkersexhaust.com/